The 5 Colonists Market Analysis Web Page

Target Residence Profiles

  • New York: Farming is the main economical activity here, so you would enjoy living here if you were a Protestant farmer. If you are not Protestant, you will probably still be accepted, because the people here are tolerant of other religions.
  • New Jersey: If you enjoy farming, then you should come here! Because New Jersey was created due to the excessive land in New York, there were mostly Protestant farmers, but other religions are accepted as well.
  • New Hampshire: If you are a Puritan fisher, then this is the perfect colony for you. Mostly Puritan, this colony is also very industrialized. Also, if you are experienced with machinery you will easily blend in here, because this colony was very industrial and commercial. 
  • Pennsylvania: If you are a Quaker farmer or ship builder, then you will enjoy life here in Pennsylvania. Although this colony was founded for Quakers, they are tolerant of other religions. Also, if you are very peaceful and friendly then you should come here; you will not regret it!  
  • Carolinas: If you are a wealthy planter, then you should move to the South. If you are a slave owner, then this is the colony for you, with rich, fertile soil to grow cash crops. If you are not too wealthy and are looking for land, then you should move to the North, where you will blend in with other farmers of your kind. The rich soil is great to grow your crops, like tobacco, rice, or indigo. You will be rich soon! 
  • Massachusetts: If you are part of the Puritans who want to reform the Church of England, then come to Massachusetts. Here, there are many Puritans who want to reform the Church of England who are very strict about religion. If you are strict about religion, then you should come to Massachusetts to start your new life! Also, you will have an advantage if you know whaling, fishing, or shipbuilding. 
  • Rhode Island: This colony will accept anyone. As long as you know something about farming, you will easily enjoy this colony. In fact, they were the first to guarantee the freedom of worship- it doesn’t matter what religion you are! Along with farming, handling livestock and fishing will bring you and your family a boost.
  • Connecticut: Because Connecticut is related to Massachusetts, you will blend in here if you are a Puritan wheat or corn farmer. In Connecticut, people are very religious. If you are unhappy about Massachusetts’s government, then you should come here, where it was founded due to government issues in Massachusetts. Here, the power of the government is limited and all white male property owners can vote! 
  • Delaware: If you are a Protestant shipbuilder in England, then settling in Delaware will be a match for you. Mostly Quaker, you should come here if you like the colony of Pennsylvania but hate traveling a long distant route. (People founded this colony because they didn’t want to travel to the distant Assembly in Pennsylvania.) Also, trading and agriculture experience will help you a lot here.  
  • Maryland: If you are looking for a safe haven for Catholics to start a new life with you and your family, then you will enjoy living in the colony of Maryland! You will blend in with the citizens of this colony if you have farming experience, especially if you are an expert on growing tobacco.
  • Georgia: If you have trouble in England, then you should come here for a new start and a clean slate! (If you committed a crime or have financial difficulties, then you can come here for a new life.) Also, everyone can come here, except for Catholics.
  • Virginia: If you are a tobacco farmer looking to earn some money, then come here to Virginia! Here, Protestants can come to worship freely. Also, the farmland is very fertile and great for growing cash crops to help your family financially.